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Bewertung Rasse (2 Bewertungen)


Vorwerk Geschichte

The Vorwerk originates from Hamburg, Germany around 1900 and was developed by the German breeder Oskar Vorwerk who gave his name to the breed. He developed them as good utility birds with belted markings combined with buff feathering rather than white. They were first shown in 1912 and are thought to have come from Lakenvelders, Orpingtons, Ramelslohers and Andalusians. The breed is rare and was almost lost after the Second World War. They are powerful and compact birds with broad backs, and a deep, rounded breast. The head is broad and the face well feathered. They have a single, medium sized serrated comb, medium length wattles and small white earlobes. Their plumage is soft and glossy, the legs are slate blue and they have four toes. There is also a bantam version.

Vorwerk Verhalten

They are very good at foraging for food and make excellent birds for farmyards and smallholdings. They are happy free ranging but don’t mind being confined in a run at all. They are alert, busy birds with fairly small appetites and chicks are fast growers which mature quickly. However, they are good fliers and can fly around 2 metres so adequate fencing should be provided. The hens lay a good number of white-shelled eggs and will continue to lay throughout the winter. They are easy to tame and are not at all shy. The males are tolerant of each other and you can keep more than one cockerel.

Vorwerk Varietäten

The breed is only found in one colour which has black belted markings on a buff coloured body. This takes a while to develop and is often only complete after the third moult.

Vorwerk Status

Fairly common

Fotos der Rasse

Vorwerk Trio
Großer Papa
Eine Woche alt
: D.
Vorwerk trio.
Acht Wochen alter Vorwerk Hahn
Zwei hühner, die auf einer holzleiter stehen
Zadok, 1 Tag altes Vorwerkküken
salome, braune Hybride
Amos und Abigail
Vorwerk Hen
Welsummer Hen
Vorwerk Küken 9 Tage alt
Vorwerk Hahn
Vorwerk hen
Ich bin ein vorwerk!
Hühner im garten

Vorwerk zu verkaufen

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Neueste Bewertungen für Vorwerk (2 von 2)

4 Sterne:


3 Sterne:


2 Sterne:


1 Stern:


Tolles Zweinutzungshuhn - Irene,

Zutraulich, friedlich, neugierig, hervorragende grosse Eier

Freundliches Wesen - Ute,

Meine zunächst nur drei Vorwerkhennen habe ich von einem Züchter im Alter von 10 Wochen erstanden. Sie wuchsen schnell zu echten Schönheiten herann, sind zutraulich und machen keinen Lärm.Sanftes vor sich hin gackern, laut nur wenn es ein Ei zu melden gibt, oder Gefahr droht.