
This breed originates from Singapore. In 1975 an american couple, Hal and Tommy Meadow, returned from Singapore with a number of brown ticked cats. The brown ticked coat is common in cats in south east asia. On their return they started to breed this cat. The breed was named Singapura as this is the malay name for Singapore. Over the coming years several more brown ticked cats from Singapore were imported and added to the breeding programme to strengthen the gene pool.
The Cat Fanciers Association granted the breed championship status in 1988. This was after it was found that a number of the breeding cats were carrying a recessive gene that caused a solid colour. These cats were identified and taken out of the breeding programme. Today this breed is quite rare but it does have a number of dedicated breeders and followers.
The Singapura is a very active, athletic and people orientated cat. These cats are playful, curious and intelligent. They will always want to know what you are up to and will constantly seek interaction. They enjoy observing the world from high up, a lot of the time they will want to sit on your shoulder. The Singapura makes a wonderful family cat as they love to play and cuddle up to anyone who will accept them.
Sepia agouti
Einzelheiten zur Rasse
- Status: Selten
- Herkunft: Singapore
- Ungefährer Entstehungszeitraum: 1970s
- Haarlänge: Kurzhaarig
- Aktivitätsgrad: Hoch
- Vokalität: Mittel
- Child friendly: Kinderfreundlich
- Intelligenz:
- Verspieltheit: Verspielt
- Pflegeanforderungen: Weniger als einmal pro Woche
- Gewicht: 2.0 - 4.0kg
- Größe: Klein
- Hauskatze oder Freiläufer: Outdoor Cat
- Verträglichkeit mit anderen Haustieren:
- Soziale Bedürfnisse: