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Ein reifer erwachsener dobermannpinscher, der sehr hoch sitzt Ein kräftiger dobermannpinscher, der ruht Die schlappohren eines jungen dobermannpinscher-welpen Ein junger dobermannpinscher, der seine langen beine und seinen stummelschwanz zur schau stellt Zwei neugierige dobermannpinscher-welpen sitzen zusammen Eine schöne dobermannpinscher-hündin, die aufrecht sitzt A Ein dobermannpinscher, der über das gras springt Ein dobermannpinscher, der mit vollem tempo läuft Ein dobermannpinscher, der sehr hoch sitzt und sein unglaublich dunkles fell zur schau stellt Ein gesunder, erwachsener dobermannpinscher, der seinem besitzer entgegenspringt Ein dobermannpinscherrüde, der seinen stummelschwanz und seinen muskulösen körper zur schau stellt


The Doberman Pinscher was created by Louis Dobermann from Thueringen in Germany. He needed a guard dog to help with his job as a door-to-door tax collector. Breeding started most likely by crossing an Old German Shepherd with a German Pinscher, crossing again with a Weimaraner and Manchester Terrier. The breed continued to evolve to produce the stream-lined, sleek dog we know today. Used in many roles, including Police dog, guard dog and during the war and is a very popular breed today.


The Doberman Pinscher is a trusting, loyal companion, always alert and ready to protect it's family. They are intelligent and need constant mental stimulation to keep their minds busy. They do well in obedience training, something they thoroughly enjoy as it pleases their owner. They are a physically active breed that will need regular walks or long runs. They can be aggressive towards strange dogs and wary of strangers, but this is mainly down to their protective nature. Regular training is important for control as they can become very domineering, however a well trained Doberman makes a wonderful pet. For such a large dog, they often forget just how big they are and will happily climb on to the sofa and will want to sit on your lap. They love cuddles from their family. They are affectionate and sensitive towards their owners, making them good with children and usually other pets. Often portrayed as an aggressive, 'nasty' dog, the look of the Doberman is not really in keeping with it's nature. They are strong, well muscled dogs, but are a good addition to a family. Regular training as mentioned before is the key to this popular breed. They are a healthy breed and rarely suffer any health concerns. With it's very short coat, grooming is minimal, just the occasional brush to keep them looking tidy and with a glossy coat.


Doberman Pinschers have an alert and loyal temperament. Athletic dogs who need plenty of exercise daily or risk becoming restless and destructive. Originally bred to be a guard dog it is important that they are socialised early and frequently to produce a nicely rounded dog.

Very individual in terms of how they will behave with other dogs and smaller animals. Generally they will behave reserved towards strangers and sometimes be suspicious of anyone other than their family.

Gesundheitliche Probleme

Health problems that may affect Doberman Pinschers include canine hip dysplasia (CHD), Wobbler syndrome (pressure on spinal cord that causes a wobbly walk), blood clotting disease, bloat and cardiomyopathy (disease of heart muscle).

Einzelheiten zur Rasse

  • Status: Common
  • Lebenserwartung: 9 - 13 years
  • Gewicht: 32 - 41 kg
  • Höhe: Males 26 - 28" Females 24 - 26"
  • Selten: NEIN
  • Fell: Kurz
  • Pflegeanforderungen: Einmal pro Woche
  • Stadt oder Land: Beides
  • Mindestanforderungen an Umgebung: Großes Haus
  • Mindestanforderungen an Garten: Großer Garten
  • Rassetyp: Wachhund
  • Größe: Mittel
  • Energieniveau: Hoch
  • Benötigte Bewegung: Mehr als zwei Stunden

Fotos der Rasse

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