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Ein erwachsener eurasier mit wunderschönem dichten fell und buschigem schwanz Eine nahaufnahme eines Ein junger eurasier steht aufrecht und wartet auf die aufmerksamkeit seines besitzers Ein eurasier mit einem schönen dicken weichen fell, der im gras liegt Eine nahaufnahme des unglaublich dicken, weichen fells und der wolfsähnlichen augen eines eurasiers Ein gesunder erwachsener eurasier, der sich über die Snow Das wunderschöne dichte fell und die spitzen ohren eines jungen eurasiers Ein erwachsener eurasier, der aufrecht steht und seinen schönen buschigen schwanz zur schau stellt


Eurasiers originated in Germany in 1960 and are a very new breed. Julius Wipfel crossed Chow Chows, with Wolfspitz and later Samoyed to produce the breed we know today. There are only around 9,000 Eurasiers in the world, but they are becoming a popular breed and much loved pet.


Eurasiers were breed as companion dogs and like to be around people as much as possible. They really dislike being in kennels, even with early training, so are best suitable to a family with someone around for most of the day. They can become depressed and destructive if left for too long. Most are good with children and other dogs/cats in the home is raised with them. They are reserved towards strangers, but rarely aggressive and should not be timid. Getting them used to people visiting the home should be standard will all breeds, but more so with Eurasiers. They are alert and will sound the alarm when someone is at the door; they make good watch dogs as they are always watchful. However, they rarely bark unless something is bothering them.

Their devotion to the family and likelihood for separation anxiety needs to be taken into account with family holidays. They will really suffer if put in kennels and even dislike staying with a someone else, their need to be close to their family is that strong.

Eurasiers are even tempered and calm around people they know and are friendly and affectionate to their family, who they form a strong, close bonds with. Training needs to be kind and gentle with positive reinforcement and games to get the best out of them. They are very sensitive to harsh words and actions and will withdraw if they feel you are being too harsh. Lots of praise, affection and food rewards are the best training methods and the Eurasier will repay you in ability. They do very well with agility and some are used as therapy dogs, which proves their love of human interaction.

The Eurasier needs a long daily walk, preferably in a safe area where they can run free. They like to run, play frisbee and fetch and be outside with their family. Recall is usually good, as they dislike being out of sight from their owners for too long. Friendly with other dogs they meet if socialised from a young age. Walking to heel on a lead can be a problem, so early training is a must. They are playful and energetic and you will struggle to tire them out, so a couple of walks a day with keep them mentally stimulated and physically worn out!

Their coat needs regular grooming to keep it looking tidy, but they are quite clean dogs who rarely need a bath.

They are generally healthy dogs, but with so few there are health issues which can affect the breed. Hip dysplasia, Luxating Pateller and eyelid issues are sometimes seen.


Eurasiers have a calm and companionable temperament. These dogs make great companions. They are affectionate, loyal and will form a tight bond with their family. They are alert around the house and will be quick to notify you of any visitors but are sociable dogs (particularly when young) who are friendly to those they meet. It is important that these intelligent dogs receive regular training so that you can assert yourself as ''pack leader'' and so they are mentally stimulated.

Gesundheitliche Probleme

Health problems that may affect Eurasiers include canine hip dysplasia (CHD), elbow dysplasia, patella luxation (dislocation of the kneecap), eye disease and thyroid problems.

Einzelheiten zur Rasse

  • Status: Common
  • Lebenserwartung: 12 - 14 years
  • Gewicht: 18 - 32 kg
  • Höhe: 19 - 24"
  • Selten: NEIN
  • Fell: Mittel
  • Pflegeanforderungen: Einmal pro Woche
  • Stadt oder Land: Beides
  • Mindestanforderungen an Umgebung: Kleines Haus
  • Mindestanforderungen an Garten: Kleiner bis mittelgroßer Garten
  • Rassetyp: Begleithund
  • Größe: Mittel
  • Energieniveau: Mittel
  • Benötigte Bewegung: Bis zu einer Stunde

Fotos der Rasse

Eurasischer hund
Hund in decke auf sofa

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